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NEWSCON was established as an independent company in the Envipro Holdings group in April 2020 and will carry on the work of Econecol’s Circular Resources and Environmental division.
Based on a 70 year history in the recycling industry, that to this day continues to cultivate “on site knowhow”, “domestic and international networking” as well the “challenger spirit”, our aim is to expand the international business of the entire Envirpro Holdings group.
Constantly being in touch with the market and remaining an indispensable partner for our customers, our aim is to serve as a bridge to creating a global society.
The concept behind the company name “NEWSCON” is “the creation of new business on a global scale”. While keeping faithful to our roots and following our founder’s corporate philosophy, we aim to generate value through connecting the world. We look forward to continuing working with, and the future support of our customers.

代表取締役社長 妙見英樹




Corporate Logo / Company Name

Corporate Logo / Company Name

Corporate Philosophy

  • Creative Company:

    Engage in the ongoing creation of business that is attuned to the needs of society

    • Engage in everyday work in the spirit with which the company was established.
    • Create new business in the spirit of the founder for generations to come.
    • Become the leading player in a business that is appropriate for them.
  • Circular Company:

    Help others, get the best out of others, and share the benefits of our work with others

    • Help each other and lend a hand to others to make a pleasant working environment.
    • Use all materials perennially, preserving their value for as long as possible.
    • Share the profits and joy with the people you live with.
  • Company pursuing virtue:

    Continuing the perpetual path of the company and its employees

    • Don’t choose the easy path but choose the path which serves others.
    • Do what others don’t do by taking advantage of your distinctive qualities.
    • Be grateful for your life and don’t be arrogant.

*Supervised by Mr. Yoshiharu Shimizu, Mirai Design Research Institute Enishiya Effective March 20, 2004

Company Profile

Company Name


L o c a t i o n
  • Head Office
    Kyobashi RK Building 8F, 2-5-15 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0031, Japan
  • Fujinomiya Sales Office
    3507-19 Yamamiya, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 418-0111 Japan (C/O Econecol Inc.)
Board Members
President & Chief Executive Officer:
Hideki Yoshimi
Fumikatsu Sano
Yasushi Sugiyama

April 7, 2020

C a p i t a l

JPY 200 million

S e r v i c e

Export / Import trading of Recyclable materials.

Main Shareholder

Envipro Holdings (100%)


  • Head Office

    Kyobashi RK Building 8F, 2-5-15 Kyobashi,Chuo-ku, Tokyo,
    104-0031, Japan

    Head Office
  • Fujinomiya Sales Office

    3507-19 Yamamiya, Fujinomiya
    City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 418-0111
    Japan (C/O Econecol Inc.)

Overseas Office

  • The Netherlands branch

    Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationsplein 45, Unit A4.004, 3013 AK Rotterdam, Netherlands
    The Netherlands branch
  • UK branch

    Room # 0-2-19, Dobson House, Regent Centre,
    Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3PF UK
    Tel: +44(0)1912336313 Ext 211
    UK branch
  • Vietnam Representative Office

    TEL +84(0) 286 288 3501
    FAX +84(0) 286 299 8554
    Vietnam Representative Office

Envipro Holdings
Group Companies

As a team member of Envipro Holdings, NEWSCON will expand global distribution of resources and materials handled / produced from our group companies, and contribute in constructing / realizing resource recycling society across the globe.


87-1 Tanaka-cho, Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka,
418 – 0075, JAPAN
TEL: +81-544 -21-3160 FAX: +81-544-21-3163

    Since being established in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka in 1950, the company has been engaged in the recycling business and primarily dealing with metal scrap processing and sales of recycled materials including minor metals, plastics and biomass.

  • Cyterrace Co., Ltd.

    We offer comprehensive services, such as customs clearance, export procedures, container arrangements, and management at the loading yard.Under the principle of “Total logistics without borders”, we provide a one-stop service that delivers cargo worldwide, regardless of country or conditions.

  • ASTOCO Inc.

    The company helps persons with disabilities find a suitable employment and become self-supporting members of society, by training them how to sustain their liveihood and integrate themselves into society, in addition to job training in relevent knowledge and skills.

  • Nitto Kako Co., Ltd.

    The company contributes to the development of various industries through our polymer business, which includes the manufacture and sale of industrial rubber products such as rubber compounds and resin products, by taking advantage of our ability to manufacture products straight from compounding design to mixing and molding.

  • VOLTA Inc.

    The company is engaged in the collection and recycling of minor metals, such as nickel and cobalt from lithium-ion rechareable batteries, nickel hydrogen rechargable batteries and other batteries -the demand for which, is expected to further increase. Volta also undertakes the recycling of casings other than batteries.

  • Bright Innovation Co., Ltd.

    The company offers consulting services to help companies formulate their own environmental strategies, CO2 emission reduction strategies and others, which are becoming increasingly important to operation and management. It also proposes solutions such as the implementation of renewable energy.

  • ECODEMO Inc.

    “Unnecessary items” resulting from business restructuring, energy infrastructure, and changes in business styles include many items ranging from plants and machinery to desks and chairs, and the cases that lead to their disposal vary widely. We will meet our customers’ expectations for “efficiency” and “value” from “clean up” to “demolition” and “post-use of the land” with “safe and secure” work.

  • J-Cycle Inc.

    As electrification accelerates toward the realization of a decarbonized society, stable procurement of lithium, nickel, cobalt, and other resources, which are concerned about long-term supply shortages, has become an urgent issue. By procuring resources such as waste batteries from overseas and promoting recycling of lithium-ion batteries in Japan, we will contribute to the realization of a circular economy.

  • ARBIZ Corporation

    A joint venture with USS Co., Ltd., operating in and around the Chukyo region. It is engaged in recycling business that involves shredding and sorting various types of waste including automovtive scrap, and uses a unique system for turning waste into resource streams.

  • Fuji Eco Cycle Co., Ltd.

    A joint venture with five household appliance companies including FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED. Pusuant to the “Home Appliance Recycling Law”, it is engaged in a “Home Appliance Recycling Business” that aims to reduce waste and disposal of envirounmentally hazardous materials, and make economic growth and environmental protection mutually compatible.


Approvals and Licenses

  • Trading

    AQSIQ Export License
  • International

    Perry Johnson Registrars,Inc.
    Registration No. C2022-01393-R1
    Perry Johnson Registrars,Inc.
    Registration No. C2022-01392
  • Others

    Trading license
    for Metal scrap
    Public safety committees of Shizuoka Pref.
    No.49110K000023 (Tagonoura yard)
NEWSCON Inc. TEL. +81-3-3528-6223

Business hours: 09:00 – 18:00
(Everyday except Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays)